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Writer's pictureSusan Jensen

I'll Tell You My Hurdle If You Tell Me Yours!

Why are there so many more hard bodies in Miami Beach? They get up in the morning and say, “ I think I will throw my t-shirt and shorts on, take a run out on the board walk and maybe stop in the fitness center (located right off the board walk) to lift a few weights – total calculated time is 45 minutes.

How does it work in the land of sub zero weather? First off, we need to be really organized. We decide what workout clothes will work under the fleece ensemble that is a must when it is -2 degrees outside. In addition, some of us have to pack our business attire – God forbid we don’t forget our bra! We throw on our down coat and run outside to scrape our car, warm it up and assess the pavement. Some mornings when there has been freezing rain or snow we must decide if it’s more important to tackle the icy streets and parking lot in an effort to tone that booty or skip the workout to avoid the risk of slipping on the side walk on our way into the gym and cracking our booty (which, by the way, is at least a 6 month recovery)!

We then make sure we have our tennis shoes packed since we have to wear our rubber soled boots, and finally we hunt down a hat and two matching gloves in the sea of mismatched winter gear. We carefully take each death-defying step through the parking lot in hopes we make it to the door. We then peel off the layers of clothing that we have to strategically cram it into the small gym locker. I’m already exhausted writing about it! After we work out, we are so proud of ourselves for getting to the club (a two hour commitment from start to finish on a good day) and we feel great!

Why am I writing about this? I just want you all to know that there are many reasons why we struggle with motivation! Cold and dangerous driving is my personal hurdle. We all have a personal hurdle and we have to figure out what it is, analyze it and work hard to come up with solutions that will empower us. Working a long day, juggling family commitments, paying attention to what and how much we eat, and figuring out how and when to workout is not an easy task! Anyone who says it’s easy is lying. But, persevering to find solutions on your own or with the help of someone else is worth every second of time and effort spent.

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